Europa barbarorum 2 reforms
Europa barbarorum 2 reforms

europa barbarorum 2 reforms europa barbarorum 2 reforms

The fourth battle shows Adeptus Serenus clearing out a settlement. I thought I'd get some action with elephants and chariots, but unfortunately the enemy AI sent all their troops at the laddermen I initially sent.

europa barbarorum 2 reforms

Missile troops stayed on their ships to provide fire support from the waters. The second battle shows a coastal navy landing and taking over a somewhat well-defended rebel settlement. The reason why they are few in number is because the pathfinding AI decided that they should walk through cold forests and thus incur attrition damage. The first battle details a typical Capitoline Brigade style siege assault, with massive engines of war just bombing the shit out of defenders and the infantry do clean up. The next series of battles was recorded (there's 4 total)

Europa barbarorum 2 reforms